Friday, May 2, 2014

Lifestyle product review: Infuser Water Bottle and Recipe Ideas

Hey guys! So I have been on the road to eat better and cleaner. The biggest change in my life is cutting out all sodas and teas. This is to help cut out sugar and caffeine. So I have been exclusively drinking water and sometimes milk (I hate the taste of milk though). One thing that has been helping me is fruit infused water. The basic idea is to soak real fruit in water and letting the flavors and nutrition infuse into the water. A simple way of doing this is just cutting up a fruit and placing it in a pitcher of water. We have a large pitcher here to push my family to drink it too. But there are sometimes when I want to take it with me. That is where fruit infused water bottles come into play. They are very popular and are sold in most stores but they are normally pretty pricey. 

Here is a popular one called the Define Bottle, which for a 17 ounce bottle retails for $29.99. 

Here is a more affordable version that is 20 ounces for $8.99. But if you look at the reviews, it breaks really easily so be cautious.

This one is made by YouTube beauty vlogger AprilAthena7. It is a 20 ounce tumbler for $13.99.

These will all get the job done and vary in prices. But I found one at Walmart that has a much better price point and is good quality. They don't sell it online so I can't link it. The brand is Cool Gear and is a 28 ounce bottle. This was priced at $5.89. 

This is all plastic (BPA Free) so the bottle doesn't break easily. Ray loves this and he is rough on this bottle, but it still holds up. It is bigger than others I've found and is a better price. I was excited to find this. 

So you cut up your fruit of choice in small pieces and put them in a strainer part that fits into the middle of the bottle. It fits a good amount but not so much that you are using a lot of fruit. The one in the picture is one strawberry and two lemon slices cut up into wedges. It fits perfectly and flavors the water great. 

The Infuser middle fits into the opening of the bottle so that when you drink from it, the water goes through the fruit and spout. 

The opening in the lid is also a strainer like piece, so that the water goes through but you don't get pieces of fruit. 

So overall this product is an a+ product to me. It is big enough to hold enough water and isn't fragile. It isn't expensive and does the job perfectly. If you are looking for an infuser, I recommend these bottles. They also come in blue, green, and pink. 

Raylan also approves. 

If you need some ideas for fruit mixes, I have tested out a few. Stand alone fruit will work perfectly. Strawberries, lemons, watermelon, peaches, oranges, blueberries, pomegranates. Or you can mix it up. My favorite is the one mentioned: strawberries and lemons. I have also tried   Strawberry, pomegranate, and mint; orange and strawberry; watermelon and peach: blueberry and mint; and cucumber. Another that I have tried is one that is supposed to be very detoxifying: cucumber, lemon, and mint. There are so many fruits you can use and combinations that will be great and will make drinking water a more delicious treat. 

Here is a blog that has many different ideas for fruit and fruit combinations.

And here is an article about why drinking water is important to your health.

Thanks and I hope you try some of these ideas. I have a haul to write soon but since I just did my birthday haul, I'll try to postpone it. I have other ideas I will write up first. 

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